Included in Daily Entry Fee and is paid to the highest shooter of the day.
One Money Ties Divide.
All weekly High Gun (High scores) will be eligible for the High Gun Shoot Off for $50.00
at the Special Event on the last Sunday of the Jack Rabbit.
Weekly host club is responsible for determination and distribution of payouts.
Payouts are to be made by the hosting club on the day of the shoot if possible
and on the day of the next Jack Rabbit Program event for sure.
A listing of winners will be posted at the next Jack Rabbit Program Event.
The Special Event will take place on the last Sunday of the Jack Rabbit Program.
It will consist of a Calcutta, Jack Rabbit Program, Carry Over Lewis and High Gun Shoot Off.
CALCUTTA -- ANYONE shooting the Jack Rabbit Program is eligible for the Calcutta.
Buy-in is $10.00.
Minimum bid is $5.00.
No bid, you buy yourself for $5.00.)
Payouts are 50% - 30% - 20% (Buyer 60% - Shooter 40%)
Carry-Over Pot --
The Carry Over Lewis will consist of $1.00 per each entry each week and accumulates
for the entire duration of the Jack Rabbit Program.
At the Special Event, 5 Lewis Classes will be determined based on the days results
for the shooters that qualify.
This will be paid 60%/40%.
Shootoffs will determine the winners and will be 10 targets at the handicap yardage shot on that day.
Remember you must shoot in 6 of the first 9 Sundays to be eligible for the Carry Over Lewis Event.
HIGH GUN - The High Gun Shoot Off is for the High Gun(s) in each of the 10 events.
It will be 25 targets from the 25 yard line.
Ties will be shot off using 10 targets from the 25 yard line.
The $50 for this payout is taken from the Carry Over Pot.
Anyone shooting 50 straight on any Sunday will win an additional $25.00 Ties Divide.
The money for this payout is taken from the Carry Over Pot.